When working with Competence Air Services, you should expect and consistently receive top-notch quality services and reliable outcomes. Outlined below are some of the services that we provide, along with their allotted standard costs. 

* We provide FREE estimates. So, if you have a question on how much your particular issue may cost, please give us a call at 954-803-2284.

A/C Maintenance Service

Maintenance service calls help diagnose your problem, find an appropriate solution, and rapidly administer that solution. They also cover any concerns and questions about your HVAC systems. The cost of A/C maintenance service is $75 + cost of filter.

A/C Repair Cost

When it comes to repairing an A/C unit, some issues are more demanding and timely than others; this is why the minimum cost is $75, whereas the maximum can reach up to $2,500 for commercial buildings with several units. The average cost to repair your A/C unit ranges from $125-$450.

A/C Installation Cost 

To have a new A/C installed in your home, the price ranges from around $2,500-$6,000. If the A/C unit is a single window or portable system, the average price is between $250 and $700. 

A/C Duct Work Repair 

The average duct work repair cost can be from $300 to $500. This process can include testing of the duct system, sealing, insulation, and installation of jumper ducts or transfer grills. For installation, this price is usually included in the cost to install an A/C unit.

Price of actual A/C unit is separate.