Whether you’re moving into a brand new home in need of an air conditioner or you already own one, there are many uncertainties on how it functions and what your duties are in regards to its upkeep. Luckily, we have composed an article that will answer some of your questions. 

What is Air Conditioning? 

An air conditioning system is a heating and cooling system that converts the warm air in your house into cool air from the workings of air ducts. In contrary belief, it does not intake air from outside and transfer it into your home.

Requests of Services

As homeowners, you must know what kind of service you are requesting for when you call professionals, like us at Competence Air Services. Here are the types of services you will likely be in need for: 


Repairing your air conditioner is simply fixing any damages or issues regarding leakage, compacted dust and debris, coolant level, thermostat, or mold in your A/C condenser and evaporator fan.


A/C maintenance is the checking and repairing of major components such as A/C filters, fins and coils. Any problems in these areas would result in your A/C’s low performance and large amounts of energy wasted. To avoid this, maintenance is suggested to be done once a year. 


The installation process of your A/C consists of professionals properly inputting your air conditioning system in your home or commercial space. Our professionals have experience on major A/C brands including Rheem.


The components that transfer air throughout your house are air ducts. Ductwork is done by A/C professionals and these ducts send air from your heater, air conditioner, and ventilator. 

Indoor air is more polluted than the air we breathe outside so it’s important to have an air conditioner with good air quality to emit clean air.

Though air conditioners can provide clean air, it can’t rid your house of allergens and germs – it can’t purify your air.

Air Conditioning and Dust

Your A/C system is prone to absorbing dust and dirt from your home, which is why it’s very important that you clean and switch out your air filter and make sure that your installations are adequate. 

Dust Compaction and Leakage

If you are seeing more dust in your home than usual, it has to do with a tear in your duct work. If your duct work was improperly installed or has a tear in its material, then that means that your conditioned air is leaking through as it spreads throughout your home. You can also tell that you have a lot of dust compacted in your A/C by looking at your air filter. 

Signs of Dust Leakage

Somes signs that your air duct is leaking in your A/C system are if you’re experiencing: 

  • Uneven cooling or heating
  • More dust than usual
  • Tangled ductwork
  • Higher charge in bills than the amount of energy you’re actually using

How to Prevent Dust From Entering Your A/C? 

Ways that you can protect your A/C from consuming so much dust, is to keep water and moisture away from your air ducts because of mold. Make sure that you have good air filters installed and vacuum your air conditioner with a vacuum of approximately 500 microns gauge pressure. 

Also, refrain from using dryer sheets or fabric softeners on the rags you use to dust your home because it reduces your rags capabilities from picking up dust. When using your vacuum cleaner, run the nozzle against your A/C filter to absorb the dust and dirt. 

Air Movement Components

You have the ability to control the functions of your A/C with the use of the AUTO, fan mode and ON buttons. Each with their own capabilities that allow you to get the type of air and temperature you want. 

What is the Difference Between AUTO, ON and fan mode?

“AUTO” mode automatically turns on your fan when your A/C is heating or cooling. “ON” mode means that your A/C is constantly blowing until you turn ON mode off. Fan mode is simply just your A/C’s fan blowing throughout your house. 

Fan Mode

Fan mode acts like a regular fan within the A/C system that circulates the air you’ve selected (cool or heat), at the temperature of your choosing. Fan mode can be very helpful in reducing your energy use because your condenser isn’t doing any work at that time. It is best to turn this mode on overnight because it slightly changes your temperature but not drastically. Once you’ve set your thermostat to your preferred temperature, fan mode will slightly increase it about 1 degree per hour. If fan mode is on all the time, there won’t be any chance for moisture to escape from the A/C system and you’ll have to change your filter more frequently. To conserve energy with an A/C system, it’s best to have AUTO mode on. 

Air conditioners require maintenance. For highly professional care from skilled A/C technicians in the Florida area, contact us at Competence Air Services by calling: +1 954.803.2284 or book your service online.